Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Admonishing you to CARE

In my last post, I took a rather admonishing tone toward you, beloved reader.

It's your right to dissent from my implorings, of course.

So, if you choose to ignore the plight of hapless people (i.e., Guatanamo detainees), that's your petty prerogative.

Seriously, I wish more Americans truly cared about the atrocities going on in our names. The Gitmo detainees may be termed "enemy combatants," but they are people first, deserving of humane consideration.

(Besides, Bush's wacked "War on Terror" is fascist belligerence, and it's American soldiers who are unwittingly fulfilling the role of crass combatants. All others are simply fighting for freedom from the American government's bellicose grip.)

Anyway, ignore my admonishing tone and focus on my message: CARE ABOUT YOUR WORLD.

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