Friday, May 11, 2007

Thank Buddha It's Friday

If there were a Judeo-Christian god, he would be too much of an asshole to create Fridays - after all, if he did exist, then the fact that he would allow the human race to procreate is proof enough of his malevolence.

Buddha, on the other hand, was one cool cat. Granted, he likely didn't exist either, and is just an archetype for people to pattern their lives after. And, true, Buddha is not a deity in the traditional sense, so even if he did exist, it's not like he created the world or anything.

But anyway, none of that matters, because Buddha WOULD create Fridays if he were one of those cool creation-deities like the Judeo-Christian god, or allah .

Buddha would be ALL OVER Fridays. Because Friday is the end of the work week, and Buddha promoted the Middle Way, which could be interpreted as a balance between work and play. And Fridays, at least Friday nights, are all about PLAY.

Fuck Mondays. It's all about Friday. And Saturday. And Sunday.

Come to think of it, fuck Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday too.

I'm not sure the Buddha would approve of doing away with the work week altogether, but I do know he would have no problem reveling in leisurely frivolity, the likes of which one seeks on weekends.

Speaking of doing away with the five-day work week, there is a group, Five Day Weekend, which promotes just that.

It's movements like this that prompt me ask myself, What Would Buddha Do?

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