Friday, May 18, 2007

Thank Nietzsche it's Friday

Nietzsche said: God is dead.

God said: Nietzsche's dead.

Both are correct, of course, except that really, can something die which never existed in the first place?

But I think Nietszche was referring to the CONCEPT of god, rather than any sort of genuine divine presence . It's been a while since I read good ol' Nee-cha, but I'm pretty sure he was referring to the conceputal Holy Father, invented by humans to help assuage anxiety and navigate ineffable mysteries, and discarded by us when the utility of his existence expired. In other words, we didn't NEED god anymore, so we made him disappear.

In any event, I'd like to personally thank Nietzsche for illuminating the idea of a deceased deity.

Rock on Nietzsche. I hoist a sweating goblet of Pinot Grigio in your honor!

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